Functional obedience for the real world.

Pitbull Obedience in Public

XL American Bully Obedience in Public

Doberman Obedience in Public

Functional obedience is not optional.

  • Behaviors

    Functional obedience includes all the behaviors that you need from your dog to live life fully on a day-to-day basis. Recall and down stay are two good examples. A dog that sits for 2 seconds for a cookie and a dog that can hold a sit for a duration in a crowded public setting are worlds apart. One of those is doing a trick; the other, functional obedience.

  • Confidence

    Obedience can only be reliable in many varied environments if your dog is stable and confident in those environments. Confidence building takes time, dedication and skill. Even a dog with solid genetics needs to be built up in many scenarios.

  • Relationship

    The necessary work of building behaviors and creating a dog that walks through life with confidence and balance requires a strong relationship that prioritizes leadership. To lead is to love and vice versa. It's not a question of if you're building a relationship; it's simply a question of what relationship are you building.